and 2) Will the streaming of music be smooth? Two questions: 1) Will the Chromebook eat up a lot of data when it "silently" updates itself?. I used it for Spotify and streaming songs at parties.

My Lenovo decided to take a crap after 1 year. Spotify will work just fine as long as your wifi connection is good enough to support it. They are frequent but not weekly or anything like that so I don't think you will have any issues there. Jonathan Wylie (author) from Iowa, USA on August 29, 2017:Ĭhrome book updates are not much bigger than a browser update. That is probably some of the appeal.Ĭhromebooks are really just a only chrome laptop. Most of the work you will do on a Chromebook is done in the Chrome browser, but for some people this is true if they have a Mac or a PC. Jonathan Wylie (author) from Iowa, USA on October 19, 2017: So they should make that able to run on Chrome Os as well as some other DAWs that it can support Chromebook has a few like 2 Main DAWs that are internet based but chrome wouldn’t support Tracktion a free and good internet based DAW you download.

As well as video editing softwares which some of the DAWs like mixcraft come built in so my main purpose was recording, mixing and mastering music and recording cover video(that’s why the video editing software is nessicsery. The downfall I have with a chromebook is like you said a lot of apps are internet based and as a musician I use DAW(digital audio workstation) softwares, and don’t get me wrong google has some pretty good internet based DAW’s but all the high end DAWs like protools(strictly runs on Apple) and mixcraft(what I used to use on my hp laptop before it broke) and a lot of others like fl studios, cubase and the majority of the DAW’s require Windows or ISO so won’t work with a chromebook and music production is why I purchased one.