Here's the thing: this movie is manipulative as hell, don't try to deny it. Above the stories of these mothers-to-be is that of a woman wandering down from the psychiatric ward, she mistakenly believing she about to have a baby, and she doing whatever it takes to make her fantasy become a reality.This was sort of a weird movie for me.

Grace's health, and by association that of her unborn, is negatively impacted by the emotional strain of her situation, which is not helped by the restricted access her caring but penniless husband, Jed Sutton, has to her. The conviction is despite the killing being in self defense. But the most infamous of the expectant mothers is Grace Sutton, a convicted murderess who is early in her twenty year sentence. The brash Lavernes, Florette and Harry, self-absorbed in focusing on their careers as a vaudeville team, don't want their twins, Florette's feelings only exacerbated by Harry's threat to replace her in the act if she isn't back on the road in a couple of days. Kempner's advanced age, she who believes a marriage is not whole without a child. The Kempners are trying to have a baby despite the advice against in the low probability of the pregnancy going to term or a baby surviving the birth, this pregnancy their last chance considering Mrs. Ringer Banks cannot help but be worried about any little thing with their newborn in having lost their first.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Nortons, Gladys and Johnny, are alone in the world expecting their first as they have not told their respective parents that they are married let alone about to have a baby in being underage. West is well known by staff as one of the ward's most frequently expecting mothers, she having had her first eighteen years ago. Lee and Brett on the physician side - at the maternity ward of County Hospital are told. The intertwined stories of the expectant mothers, their respective husbands and the caring staff - led by Miss Bowers and Miss Pinty on the nursing side, and Drs.